Progress Report Form April 2024
What progress was made on your grant this month?
Apis and UI for Proxmox backup server cloud part done.
Tested apis
- Phase 6. Continue Build the cloud backup module:What was done in the code:
- www/cloud/form
AllocationSelector , ChangerSelector , CloudDevicePathSelector
DriveSelector , KeySelector , PoolSelector and RetentionSelector is done - www/cloud/window
ChangerEdit , DriveEdit , EncryptionEdit , Erase , LabelMedia, MediaRemoveWindow , PoolEdit window is done
BackupJobs , BackupOverview, ChangerConfig, ChangeStatus , Cloudinventory and CloudManagement ui is done.Links to repos worked on this month:
Merged branch ‘develop’ of
What will you be working on this month?
Finishing remain ui and apis , testing all apis for matching ui for cloudbackup
Implementation of Backup functionality
- modify backupjobs for cloudbackup
- modify backup_restore for cloudbackup
- testing backup cryption apis for cloudbackup
Please summarize your development goals into a few sentences or bullet points:
Cloud backup development is on-going and on track. Based on conversations with my developer we will be starting plugin development end of May and are on schedule. Unless there is any issues that pop up, we should have some screenshots end of may. They will be posted here and on the pbscloudbackup website.